Webcast – Journey to the Cloud with Azure Database Migration Service

Fala galera, tudo bem com vocês?

Quero convidá-los para mais um grande evento do SQLManiacs que ocorrerá no dia 06/06, a partir das 21h00, no qual teremos o MCM e MVP Warner Chaves falando sobre migração para o Azure SQL Database.

Link para o evento: https://youtu.be/WjOrVbcnrO4

Journey to the Cloud with Azure Database Migration Service
As part of Microsoft Azure’s data platform offering, Microsoft has developed the Azure Database Migration Service. This is a cloud service that lets you take your databases (SQL Server, MySQL, PostgreSQL) and easily migrate them into one of Azure’s Database as a Service offering.
Efficiency and reliability are always important when performing a migration and using a service like this one can help DBAs accomplish their work faster and make the migration seamless and less error prone. Definitely a good tool for any DBA looking to migrate their databases to Azure!
In this session, we will go over the details of the Azure Database Migration Service as well as show live demos of the service and performing a migration from SQL Server to Azure SQL Database.
Warner is a SQL Server MCM, Data Platform MVP and Principal Consultant at Pythian, a global Canada-based company specialized in DBA services. After working for enterprise customers in Hewlett-Packard’s ITO organization, he transitioned to his current position at Pythian, managing multiple customers and instances in many versions and industries while leading a highly talented team of SQL Server DBAs.


Espero todos vocês no evento e não deixem de inscreverem-se no blog, no canal do youtube, no grupo de discussão SQLManiacs  e em nosso grupo no TELEGRAM.

Grande abraço a todos.

3 ideias sobre “Webcast – Journey to the Cloud with Azure Database Migration Service

  1. Pingback: Webcast – Journey to the Cloud with Azure Database Migration Service – DBA BRASIL

  2. João Cauã

    Tenho foi navegando on-line maior que 3 horas
    hoje , mas eu nunca encontrados qualquer fascinante artigo como o seu.
    É bonita preço suficiente para mim. Na minha opinião , se todos web proprietários e blogueiros feitos
    excelente conteúdo material como fez , o internet pode ser muito mais útil do que nunca.


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